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About 2 years ago, we discovered on Enterthe5t4rz that the inner eye and womb were dramatically similar in appearance and function. We then began to see the inner eye womb repeated in the bible. See the playlist on my YouTube channel titled “The Map of Heaven Within” to better understand these concepts. It is undeniable at this point that the elite of Hollywood know the truth about the inner eye womb. It is no longer conjecture. So, why? Why go through the hassle and cost of seeding these concepts into...
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LINK TO FULL FILM: God, Son and the Garden of Eden themes persist in almost every Hollywood film, as the devil tries to rewrite the story of history. In doing so, he gives himself away and proves the existence of the God of the Hebrew bible. In this film, Adam is born into the honeycomb matrix, the ship. Then, out of loneliness, he awakens Eve from her sleep. Just like in the bible story. Laurence Fishburne appears as the third being to awaken at the moment that Adam plants...
The post FILM DECODE: JLaw in PASSENGERS SyFy Thriller: Did We Accurately Predict the Plot? appeared first on EnterThe5t4rz.
The post James Alefantis Produced Satanic Cult Short Film: #PANpizzagate appeared first on EnterThe5t4rz.
The post Events of JESUS’ Life Match Dates of Pearl Harbor, Sandy Hook & 9/11! appeared first on EnterThe5t4rz.
The Holy Spirit has revealed the truth about the miracle at the Pool of Bethesda. Yeshua was demonstrating the time loop we are stuck in when we are born from the lower pool of the womb into this reality. He also describes in the passage the way out of the time loop. Notice that POOL is LOOP backwards! This amazing story describes a SHEEP GATE and explains that we have a choice to take the narrow route to the infinite waters or the wide gate to hell.What all this proves...
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The Washington Post ran a 2008 story in which James Alefantis was accused of creating a haven for Rape and Murder at Comet Ping Pong by Neighborhood Commissioner, Frank Winstead. The Commissioner went as far as to stake out Comet Ping Pong Pizza in an attempt to find proof. The story includes links to audio of the Commissioner’s rant that was drowned out by the crowd! (below) What does Frank Winstead know? The article is clearly sympathetic to Alefantis, characterizing the Commissioner as a right wing, paranoid lunatic! Alefantis was...
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MOBILE USERS, clear X in upper right corner of video frame below to view this video: In this Star Trek episode The Apple, the Enterprise is caught in an apple-shaped magnetic field and tractor beam that resemble the structure of the human eye vitreous humor circulation and hyaloid canal. Kirk and crew are trapped on the planet’s surface where they learn that the god Vaal (Baal) is the one attacking the ship. The people must feed Vaal to give him his power. In this episode, the BALL (Baal, Vaal) earth...
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TO SEE VIDEO BELOW, CLEAR the X in the upper right corner of the video frame below As this Star Trek Episode aired, steel contracts were being made to build the World Trade Center. The whole history of Ground Zero plays out from start to finish in this episode! Kirk battles a reptilian to save his ship after the destruction Cestus III, which looks exactly like the destroyed World Trade Center.
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MOBILE USERS MUST FIRST CLEAR X IN UPPER RIGHT CORNER OF FRAME TO VIEW VIDEO This is one of the most disturbing revelations related to #pizzagate that I think we have discovered to this point. The symbols are everywhere and now Pizza Hut is on the hot seat. Below is a Pizza Hut commercial with the hot dogs and pizza inside a black box that eerily compare to the WTC Memorial Reflecting Pools. In the commercial, we also see the...
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Click on the video below to discover the truth about the horned God PAN and how pizza-making has been encoded with worship of this deity, child sacrifice and trafficking, #panpizzagate. You will not believe what you are about to watch as I cover the two books Masks of the Illuminati and The Great God Pan, that reveal the truth about Pan (Pan pizza), his mother Peel (pizza spatula) and Nomios (Domino), his alter. The books expose what the masks of Eyes Wide Shut REALLY mean and how that links into Pan...
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